European Flyers uses AeroSIM-RC in their RPAS training courses.
"The difference is quite noticeable after the students have spent some time in the simulator"
Gonzalo de Santisteban - UAS Division Manager
The simulator on a big screen attracted many future RPA pilots during the 2021 Madrid World ATM Congress.
CATFA Training and Employment uses AeroSIM-RC during the drone pilot training courses.
"Engaging the students in the training program before progressing to the real aircraft has proven to be a cost-effective and learning-efficient way to train new pilots. Pilots build confidence gradually in their piloting skills so that transition to real aircraft is seamless. AeroSIM-RC has proven to be worth the investment specially for the training of large groups."
A. Arjonilla – Head of Pilot Training Programmes at CATFA
AeroSIM-RC was the main attraction of the training course.
SQADrones, Training and Services, Spain
SQADrones provides basic and advanced courses and official RPA pilot certificate
for both Fixed Wing and Multirotor aircraft.
Training session at SQADrones
France, Drone Training
Minutedrone provides drone remote pilot training all over France. Minutedrone performs aerial inspections, photography and video.
Training sessions at Minutedrone
CEGADrone, a leading company specialized in the industrial sector, uses AeroSIM-RC simulators for its training courses, and collaborates in the improvement of the simulated scenarios of the energy sector.
AeroSIM-RC attracted many visitors to CEGADrone stand
during Hi!Drone technology fair at Málaga, 2017, Spain.
Spain, Basque Country
Cultural and Technological Association of Pilots, Operators and Manufacturers of UAS of the Basque Country
Training of future drone pilots with AeroSIM RC.
Brazil, Services and Training Organization
HEXAFLY stand at Drone Show Latin America 2018, São Paulo, Brazil
UK, Industrial-Grade Control Systems and Autopilot Systems
LikeAbird and HETRONIC have presented a new industry grade Remote Control for RPAS at the UAV Commercial Show 2017, London, UK.
For training and demonstration purposes, the new controller NOVA 4.3 USCT and AeroSIM-RC communicate in both directions, providing:
1. control inputs for manoeuvering the simulated aircraft and
2. telemetry data (battery voltage, current, power, SoC, throttle, heading, distance, altitude, flight mode) which is displayed on the controller screen.
This communication is done by means of a plugin created by LikeAbird-HETRONIC for AeroSIM-RC.
Stand at the Commercial UAV Show (London, UK, 2017)
NOVA-USCT Controller and AeroSIM-RC integration
Stand at Global Robot Expo (Madrid, Spain, 2018)
Spain, Málaga, Approved Training Organization
Stand at Málaga HiDrone fair, 2017, Spain
During the fair, the simulator attracted many future pilots to their stand.
Germany / Czech Republic, Avionics developer
ESC Aerospace develops avionics systems for small unmanned aircraft.
ESC autopilot development setup.
Developing an Autopilot is easier when the flight tests are done in a simulator.
This is called Hardware in the Loop (HIL).
(1) The Autopilot hardware is fed with flight data generated by AeroSIM-RC (lat/long, altitude, velocity, IMU data, etc.)
(2) Then the autopilot computes the new control values (i.e. servo positions) which are sent back to the simulator.
(3) The simulated aircraft performs the flight as commanded by the autopilot, closing the loop.
(4) The mission planned in the Ground Control Station is executed by AeroSIM-RC and the autopilot hardware.
Flight Simulation Training Device with HIL Autopilot.
Italy, Bologne Training Center
Croce Rossa new training center - press note
Press conference making use of AeroSIM-RC
Scenario of Bologne Airport with a crashed airplane for Emergency Exercise rehearsal
Briefing the Emergency Exercise
Croce Rossa Italiana Training Center at Bologne
Training session with AeroSIM-RC
Training session at Alicante, Spain
One of the many Training Courses delivered by Drone-School, where students practise with AeroSIM-RC.
Spain, Madrid, Cuatro Vientos Airport
AEROMAX uses AeroSIM-RC during the initial RPA training courses, before engaging real flights.
Photo courtesy of Escuela de Vuelo AEROMAX E-ATO-104.
France, Tomblaine, Aérodrome de Nancy - Essey
CFAD has a dedicated room equipped with five AeroSIM-RC simulators. The students familiarise with the controller and the aircraft and identifies each action (lift, tilt, roll, pan).Then performs a series of pre-determined exercises under instructor supervision.
Germany, Neustadt
Drones with camera systems for video and Thermography Recordings presenting AeroSIM-RC
Drone Security and Emergency Solutions Integrator
Using AeroSIM-RC during one of IDS training sessions in Africa
USA, California/Connecticut
STEMPilot offers flight simulators with a curriculum to apply math, science and engineering using aviation. SAFEDrone is their classroom kit for drone training. Students who successfully complete the missions move on to flying guarded prop quad-copters in the classroom.
Students practicing altitude hold in preparation for actual flight.
Left: STEPCon 2019.
Right: Youth Mobile Festival - YoMo Los Angeles 2019
USA, Georgia, Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
STEAM classes (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) give the students the opportunity to research, collaborate, design and innovate while working on a team with peers to solve real-world problems
Students working with AeroSIM-RC simulator
USA, Washington, Quincy Junior High Drone/UAV Club funded by Microsoft
Students in 7th and 8th grade working on the training program in AeroSIM-RC.
Australia, Joondalup, Australian Air Force Cadets at No 723 Squadron facebook/AustralianAirForceCadets
Australian Air Force Cadets at No 723 Squadron in Joondalup
Western Australia give the 'thumbs up' while using their new AeroSIM-RC flight simulators.
USA, Idaho
Future UAV Pilots start at STEMBusUSA.
STEMbusUSA partners with educators to excite students to pursue a STEM career
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)