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Thank you for your interest in AeroSIM-RC
Detailed information about AeroSIM-RC can be found here.
Ignore this section if the simulator runs smooth and nice.
You should know that AeroSIM-RC requires that the graphics driver of your graphics card is properly installed.
If the Graphics Driver is not installed correctly in your computer, Windows may use its own driver which ignores the cool acceleration hardware of your graphics card, resulting in a extremely slow frame rate.
See how to install the Graphics Driver here Wiki / Advanced / Install Graphic Driver
You can run AeroSIM-RC from Windows Start Menu, or from the desktop icon.
AeroSIM-RC icon on Desktop |
AeroSIM-RC in the Windows Start Menu |
Loading screen
Have a look at the Quick Start Guide for a step by step instructions to get AeroSIM-RC set up and running.
Focused on training, not fancy special effects
Unless you spend hours without blinking in front of the computer, there is no specific health or safety risk involved in using AeroSIM-RC
You will not cut your finger with a simulated propeller, nor crash your aircraft against anybody. No one in the simulator will complain if you fly over their heads.
Having said that, you should not develop bad habits in the simulator.
In real life, you must follow all applicable safety regulations, hence we strongly recommend that you start to put into practise such safety rules from the very first flight in the simulator.
Our simulated aircraft have been designed and tested by experts. They are correctly trimmed, and do not present unwanted drift due to construction inaccuracies or wrong configuration.
However, the first flight of your real aircraft should be performed by an experienced pilot, who will be able to react correctly in the likely event that your aircraft shows any drift during the flight.
After a few adjustments done by an experienced pilot, the aircraft will be a lot easier to fly.
AeroSIM-RC is a Windows application. However, Mac users have reported that AeroSIM-RC runs fine on Mac in several configurations.
Options to run AeroSIM-RC on Mac:
Before you buy AeroSIM-RC, please download the software and try it in you system.
All detailed information about AeroSIM-RC is available in the online Wiki pages.
You can also open the online Wiki pages from the simulator Top Menu Bar / Help
AeroSIM-RC offers detailed information about most elements on the screen, right mouse click to display.
This Mouse Cursor means:
further help available with the right mouse button.
Please, check the Frequently Asked Questions online page.
If you have any question not answered in the Wiki pages, we will be happy to help you.
Please, send us your question from our contact form
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